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This feature helps the writer build the timeline of their story, the events, and the beats within the event. This, our fellow writer - is where you map your story.

No longer will you be unsure about what is happening next for your character because you will have mapped out what is coming in the Timeline feature. You'll know which beats are taking place at certain moments and what is to follow. So you can avoid the dreaded writer's block.

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Timeline Features

With drag and drop design and a layout that maps your story from main events to beats, this feature helps the writer map their story.

Main Event

Your main event is a significant event in your story that usually creates a transition.


Within your major event, you have beats. Beats are the moments within the event.

Beat Description

Your beats have a description section so you can specify what is happening in that beat.

event builder gif

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Main event gif
Create event

Create and title 'Main Event'

For many of you, your first event will be your inciting incident. Name it something simple like, "Pepper escapes". Then you can provide a short description. Here you can write, "Pepper escapes from the neighbours home and causes disastrous events".

Create events
Create a beat
Inside the event, create a beat, then another and another - as many as you want!

The beats make up the event. For example, in Beat 1, Pepper notices the front door is open. Then Beat 2, Pepper looks around for her owners. It can be as specific or as broad as you like. The second example, Beat 1, Pepper sees the front door is open and escapes. Beat 2, Pepper runs down the street to the ice-cream van. Then within each beat, you can write further description of what is taking place.

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Drag and drop
Move your events and beats around to make your story

Sometimes you have an event that you know you want to happen, but you're unsure when it should happen. In the Events builder, you're able to drag and drop the events and beats around until you have the timeline of the story you love.